Mariusz Krzysztof Janczur
Research interest:
- Plant defense against herbivores.
- Costs of sexual forms in plants (especially in Opuntia robusta).
- Optimal energy allocation models.
- Interaction between plant and bird communities.
- The effect of deforestation on plant communities.
- The effect of deforestation on bird parasites.
Publications of Mariusz Krzysztof Janczur
Our main research topics:
Plant defense against herbivores
Costs of different sexual forms in plants
Effect of deforestation on plant and on bird communities
More detailed topics of my research are:
- Costs of different sexual forms in dioecious and trioecios plant species.
- Plant-herbivore interaction.
- Physical and chemical defense in plants.
- Plant-ant interaction mediated by extraflorar nectaries.
- Plant-mycorrhizal fungi interaction in different sexual forms.
- Physiology and ecological importance of plants’ secondary metabolites.
- Bird-parasite interaction.
- Bird wing morphometry and its relationship with migratory distance and with habitat disturbance.
- Conservation of birds and their habitat.
- The effect of deforestation and reforestation on bird communities.
Evolution of defense against herbivores in plants: an optimal allocation model and field study.
CONACyT 180694 to Mariusz Krzysztof Janczur; 2014-2018; Managed by Secretaría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados de la UAEM.
The effect of reforestation on the specific richness, physical condition, moulting dynamics, parasite load, and biodiversity in a bird community of the forest zone of Nevado de Toluca, Mexico State.
UAEMex 3679/2014/CID to Mariusz Krzysztof Janczur; 2014-2016; Granted and managed by Secretaría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados de la UAEM (finished).
The effect of disturbance of Abies forest on the floristic and avifaunistic diversity in Nevado de Toluca.
UAEMex 4333/2017/CI to Mariusz Krzysztof Janczur, co-responsibles Irma Victoria Rivas Manzano and Luis Isaac Aguilera Gómez. 2017-2018.
Granted and managed by Secretaría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados de la UAEM.
Morphological and ultrastructural characterization of extrafloral nectaries from two cacti in Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley, México. Research grant from Cactus & Succulent Society of America.
Personal grant to Mario Alberto Sandoval Molina (MASM), mentored by Mariusz K. Janczur and Hilda Araceli Zavaleta Mancera.
Managed by MASM.
Seminars & Conferences
Seminarium IB PAN – Nagrywanie Spotkania
Coworkers & Friends

Irma Victoria Rivas Manzano (UAEMex)
Research interest:
- Plant defense against herbivores
- Interaction between plant and bird communities
- The effect of deforestation on plant communities
- Floristics
- Plant community ecology
- Population ecology
- Conservation ecology of Micrathene whitneyi

Luis Isaac Aguilera Gómez (UAEMex)
Research interest:
- Plant taxonomy
- The effect of deforestation on plant communities
- Floristics
- Plant community ecology
- Plant physiology

Alan Daniel Mendóza Mendóza
Research interest:
- Bird community ecology
- Bird migrations
- Sexual selection in hummingbirds